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For help updating your ListingPro theme and plugins please refer to the following how-to article.

5th Feb 2024 | Version 2.9.3
Fixed: Security Update - False Alarm Identified and Addressed
Fixed: Quick Help Widget CSS not loading

2nd Feb 2024 | Version 2.9.2

New: Compatibility with PHP 8.2
New: Welcome Email Template upon Setup
New: Updated WPBakery
New: Updated Redux Framework
Fixed: Few Warnings
Fixed: Auto page Recreation issue.
Fixed: Package issue (When the package is completed it disappears from packages.)
Fixed: Unable to display more reviews on the app view detail page.
Fixed: Categories icons are not showing on the app view banner.
Fixed: Reviews are not updating from the user dashboard.
Fixed: The address is not showing on the detail page in the app view.
Fixed: In Albanian Language Thursday and Friday days are not showing on the detail page.
Fixed: Description quick tip not showing on the submit listing page
Fixed: Fatal Error When only theme is activated.
Fixed: Fatal error when we switch ListingPro Theme without deactivating the plugins.
Fixed: Child Categories are not showing in the Style 1 Banner.
Fixed: Custom fields are not showing on the lead form in-app view
Fixed: Get Direction issue in Mobile on Detail Page.
Fixed: The plugin setup screen is not displaying properly when we run the setup wizard again.
Fixed: Reviews Show 5.0.0 instead of 5.0 on the detail page.
Fixed: If we select Homepage in-app view for Home it shows an error of redirect too many times
Fixed: Stripe object Payment issue with the Ads Payment.
Fixed: Homepage button color issue.
Fixed: Pricing Plan image size is not working while adding listings.
Fixed: Business Hours issue on Safari Browser.
Fixed: Unable to click on the Street View Icon in Google Maps on the Archive Page
Fixed: Satellite Button is not clickable on Archive Page
Fixed: Header Search Dropdown overlays with the top bar.
Fixed: The listing layout is disturbed in the Elementor Listings Posts element.
Fixed: If we import demo with Elementor, edit listing and Checkout page not imported with Elementor.
Fixed: Select dropdown form field default selection in backend edit listing.
Tweaks: Improve Setup Process
Tweaks: Add placeholder text in many fields.
Tweaks: XML File updated.
Tweaks: Claim now and Report now button colors in Classic 2.
Tweaks: Pot language file updated
Tweaks: Twitter icon is now X

13th Sep 2023 | Version 2.9.1

Fixed: Elementor Compatibility Issue

1st Sep 2023 | Version 2.9

Added: ListingPro Classic 2 (New! Version of Classic Demo) 
Added: CubeWP Forms integration for Contact Us page form only
Added: Font Awesome icons integration for categories icons over map and search
Added: Child Categories added in by default search dropdown
Added: Translation updated for new strings
Fixed: Categories without listing count don't show in multi rating selection in admin dashboard
Fixed: Search icon displayed twice in mobile search/archive page
Fixed: Filters display in search/Archive Page
Fixed: Listing Details Page Map issue fixed in app view
Fixed: Typo mistakes in demo content
Fixed: Several minor UI/UX issues through out the product.
Tweaks: CSS/Images updated

15th June 2023 | Version 2.8

Added: New Checkout for Stripe
Added: Business Logo add option for all listing detail styles
Added: Fontawesome 5 Compatibility
Added: Option to display Taxonomy description
Added: Display footer in App view
Added: Option to display Email Address on Listing detail page
Added: Element to display coupons
Added: Element to display Announcements
Added: Element to display popular Listings
Added: Shortcode for Search bar
Added: Option to add logo and change color options for App view
Added: option to set form fields as required in FES builder
Added: Option to set invoice start No.
Added: Option to Import Form fields with Listings 
Added: Export Listings option
Fixed: Filter issue with custom fields
Fixed: Coupon not applied while tax disabled
Fixed: Feature Image from gallery issue in list view and app view
Fixed: Ads activation Email Issue
Fixed: User Dashboard Stats issue
Fixed: Design issues and Typos in demo content
Improved: App view 2 Category slider
Tweaks: CSS, Images updated

22nd Mar 2023 | Version 2.7.5

Fixed: Review images are not showing on the pagination
Fixed: Package is not showing activated with 100% coupon with stripe and PayPal
Fixed: Invoice is not generating with 100% coupon with PayPal
Fixed: Pagination is not showing on the first load on the archive page
Fixed: Pagination number goes to detail page on archive style 2

7th Mar 2023 | Version 2.7.4

Fixed: Changes in the Welcome Email Template
Tweaks: Minor UI/UX improvements
Tweaks: Minor bug fixes

22nd Feb 2023 | Version 2.7.3

Fixed: Search bar not showing on the banner after demo import
Fixed: Claimed Listing Element showing incorrect Listings
Fixed: Issue with Business hours
Fixed: Warning in Theme Options in MAP field
Fixed: Form fields issue on submit page style 2
Fixed: Recurring option showing on claim checkout
Fixed: Typos changes in Theme Options
Fixed: Demo import issue with Restaurant demo with WPBakery
Fixed: Map pin not showing on the archive page style 4 while click on the direction button
Tweaks: Warnings due to PHP latest version

8th Nov 2022 | Version 2.7.2

Added: New version of WP Bakery
Added: New version of Redux Framework
Fixed: Submit listing issue with FES after WordPress update 6.1

4th Nov 2022 | Version 2.7.1

> Fixed: Listing submission page issue after WP Update 6.1
> Fixed: Default images URL replacement within Local environment

7th Oct 2022 | Version 2.7

> Compatibility with PHP 8.1
> Compatibility with VerifyPro Add-ons
> Updated: Redux Framework Plugin
> Added: Comment section added while reporting Listing\Reviews.
> Added: Field Added in the Theme Options to control Detail Page Map Zoom in/out
> Added: Missing Strings added in the Loco Translate Plugin for Translation.
> Added: Listings to show Random Option added in the Listing Entries Element
> Fixed: Update Password Issue in a user profile
> Fixed: Logo and header Color option for App View.
> Fixed: Detail page slider moving issue on detail pages 3 and 4.
> Fixed: Inactive Coupons Listings showing in Listing With Coupons Element.
> Fixed: Submit listing Error of 100000000MB.
> Fixed: Ads Campaigns Pay Per Click Price issue on Invoice.
> Fixed: Recurring Cannot be canceled when you cancel from the theme but not cancel from the PayPal Account.
> Fixed: Header style 4 top bar color issue (edited) 

27th May 2022 | Version 2.6.14

> Fixed: Activating ListingPro Plugin is resulting in site break after 2.6.13 update.

22nd May 2022 | Version 2.6.13

> Updated: WPBakery Plugin
> Updated: Redux Framework Plugin
> Added: Compatibility with all new plugins incl. DrivePro, CBDPro, YellowPro, QuotePro.
> Added: Red alert notification in the backend Listing flag section
> Added: Option added in user dashboard to show the name of the user 
> Fixed: Author email is removed from the source code
> Fixed: multi Events display issue on the detail sidebar 
> Fixed: Header top bar opacity issue
> Fixed: Add event start and end date issue
> Fixed: Paid Claim success even no pricing plan for the claim 
> Fixed: Coupon image broke
> Fixed: Archive style 3 category text issue during search
> Fixed: Image broken in Grid style 4 and 7
> Fixed: Archive page coupon display issue
> Fixed: Pricing plan with category issue 
> Fixed: Monthly plan not showing without refresh
> Fixed: Archive style 3 no result found text changed 
> Fixed: Image issue in user dashboard inbox tab
> Fixed: On app view 2 the banner taxonomies appear twice
> Fixed: Double title tag issue on page source
> Fixed: Embedded video issue on Listing detail page
> Fixed: Author Email removed from source code
> Fixed: Lead form logo URL issue
> Fixed: Search Google dropdown, undefined error

19th March 2022 | Version 2.6.12

> Added: Compatibility with new demos (ex. DrivePro, CBDPro)

11th March 2022 | Version 2.6.11

> Fixed: (Mobile) Galley images when clicked on the expand button shows incorrectly.
> Fixed: Hard coding on the plan style vertical 3, e.g  Lead Form
> Fixed: On plan page vertical view 4 has no indication for hot plan
> Fixed: With region, location doesn't work
> Fixed: Nearby widget issue
> Fixed: Icons issue 404 error in console.
> Fixed: Checkout page notice for bank wire (Undefined variable: bank_transfer_img)

27th January 2022 | Version 2.6.10

> Fixed: On blog pages multi category display issue
> Fixed: Date format selected in WP display issue
> Fixed: Claim form issue on mobile view
> Fixed: Admin dashboard settings "any one can register" issue
> Fixed: Theme options listing detail elements issue
> Fixed: Ad campaign payment issue with direct payment
> Fixed: Alt images issue
> Fixed: Multi rating issue
> Fixed: App view filters display outside the filter button issue
> Fixed: Use feature image from gallery issue
> Fixed: Date time picker issue in coupons and events for 24hrs templates
> Fixed: Geo IP URL change issue
> Fixed: Header drop issue on page load

24th December 2021 | Version 2.6.9

> Fixed: Direct access to PHP form handler (removed) 
> Fixed: Direct access to dynamic-css.php (removed)

Note: These fixes resolve the hosting-related issues with certain hosting providers (ex. Godaddy)

8th November 2021 | Version 2.6.8

> Updated: Redux Framework Plugin
> Updated: moment.js library
> Fixed: Recurring email issue
> Fixed: Description editor label issue with submit form builder
> Fixed: Upcoming event are showing active with next month today date
> Fixed: Event logo is not displaying well on event element and on listing detail page
> Fixed: Feature of listing select and deselect issue on backend submit listing
> Fixed: Plan not assign to listing after expiring
> Fixed: Expired coupons also shown in this element
> Fixed: When features are not added then category is not selected on backend
> Fixed: Active tab shows upcoming event
> Added: EventProWP Compatibility (Add-on releasing soon) 

12th June 2021 | Version 2.6.7

> Fixed: Listing Features conflict found with latest WordPress
> Fixed: Google Ads display issue on App View 1 and 2 archive

10th June 2021 | Version 2.6.6

> Updated: Redux-framework.
> Added: Backend - Inline detailed video guide in backend for Listing > Category and Listing > Features.
> Added: Backend - ListingPro CC add-ons tab showcase premium and partner add-ons
> Fixed: When You Click On A Website Link From Detail Page Style 1 Or 2 Then In User Dashboard Logs Listing Name Is In Correct.
> Fixed: User Dashboard Lead-form Items Are Not Editable.
> Fixed: Website Title Issue With Archive And Search Pages.
> Fixed: Unwanted Space After Header In Archive Style Listing-with-sidebar-filters.
> Fixed: Form Builder Is Not Working With Special Character In Section's Title.
> Fixed: Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page. Issue When We Enable A Service From Visualizer.
> Fixed: Event Calendar 1 Week Day Is Hidden In All Mobile Views.
> Fixed: Blank Event Detail Page In-App View.
> Fixed: Tax Not Work With Decimal Value.

20th April 2021 | Version 2.6.5

> Improved: App View 2 Design Optimized
> Fixed: Menus in dashboard translations
> Fixed: Campaigns tab in dashboard translations
> Fixed: Remaining days display in minus
> Fixed: Required Submission in listings
> Fixed: Claimer emails on instant signup
> Fixed: Quick tips on submission
> Fixed: Reviews reply date translations
> Fixed: Search results
> Fixed: Reviews Ratings
> Fixed: Near-me Filter
> Fixed: Leadform by Leadform plugin
> Fixed: Features on App View 1 and desktop view according to plans

23rd March 2021 | Version 2.6.4

> Updated: WPBakery Plugin
> Updated: Redux Framework Plugin
> Improved:  While creating event there is a time picker added with date picker.
> Fixed: After demo import Blog and the page layout not set.
> Fixed: Pay per Click (PPC) Ads not showing correct data.
> Fixed: Fixed Header Optimized
> Fixed: Submit listing with Fill-o-Bot while category not selected still submits.
> Fixed: If phone# not added while adding listing WhatsApp# also didn't display.
> Fixed: Banner style Banner with side search have no option to change banner taxonomy.
> Fixed: Ad Campaign created with only Sidebar Ads, showing in other spots.
> Fixed: Event start date and end date issue fixed.
> Fixed: Google address not added and there are two lines appear in detail style 4.
> Fixed: Add menu not working with multiple group.
> Fixed: Grid/List switcher is not working with listing with sidebar filter.
> Fixed: Ads display multiple time on archive with listing compact view.
> Fixed: During listing submission Same Day can be added multiple times.
> Fixed: Currency is changes from the Ads Campaign while changing from theme options.
> Fixed: Listing is not selected on payment checkout page.
> Fixed: Detail page coupon count-down design issue.
> Fixed: FireFox - Geo location not working.
> Fixed: FireFox - Map for contact us page doesn't work.
> Fixed: FireFox - Map is not working.
> Fixed: FireFox - Sidebar menu is not working.

10th February 2021 | Version 2.6.3

> Fixed: Latest WordPress Compatibility
> Fixed: Nextend Social Login Compatibility issue
> Fixed: Listing is not selected on payment checkout page.
> Fixed: Listing not showing on checkout, another listing is selected, session is not creating.
> Fixed: Currency is changing from the Ads Camping while changing the Currency from theme options.
> Fixed: On listing submit page, empty additional field showing on Detail page.
> Fixed: RestaurantPro: Archive page design issue on scrolling.
> Fixed: Detail page coupon time design issue.
> Fixed: Map is not showing on Firefox.
> Fixed: Archive search without header form does not give proper results.
> Fixed: Archive search filters on app view.
> Fixed: Ads created by payment through stripe don't save the checked ad type check boxes on backend.
> Fixed: on edit listing some times it show two block of features it should show only one.
> Fixed: By checking Full address field as required, manual Address also becomes required.

20th December 2020 | Version 2.6.2

> Fixed: On load archive page in app view form fields display
> Fixed: On edit listing preselected features are not checked
> Fixed: On submit & edit listing location with map pin doesn't work
> Fixed: Issue submitting listing when using fill-o-bot
> Fixed: HTML Entities code is showing on the frontend
> Fixed: Claimed listing doesn't show lead-form if admin select the option to show it
> Fixed: On Edit Listing Page if media is mandatory form is unable to successfully submit

10th December 2020 | Version 2.6.1

> Updated: Security vulnerability update 2
> Fixed: nearby listings does not show the nearest lists
> Fixed: PayPal amount with fixed coupon was not correct
> Fixed: In user dashboard inbox date translation
> Fixed: Tagline on LP posts element must be of 100 character
> Fixed: Count of listings on location elements.
> Fixed: Near me filters units
> Fixed: Permalinks not updating.

7th December 2020 | Version 2.6

> Updated: Security vulnerability update 1
> Updated: Days on event app view detail page are now translated
> Fixed: Pages Footer Menu issue in App View.
> Fixed: On mobile archive on App View 1 open now filter
> Fixed: On App view open now filter doesn't work
> Fixed: Weekdays Adding Multiple Time.
> Fixed: Listing Open now and Close Now Issue.
> Fixed:  Coupons time according to timezones in the world
> Fixed:  Plan Price with decimals throws an error while changing plan.
> Fixed: During claim plans name were not coming right
> Fixed: Change plan from backend does not change the days of the plan
> Fixed: If Hide google ads in pricing plan is on, it doesn't show on front-end.
> Fixed: With Unlimited Duration Plan, on payment checkout Page show Duration: Days.
> Fixed: Booking start and end slot are not working according to the time of listing.
> Fixed: Archive page layout destroy on list view.
> Fixed: Ads Campaign Days was not Translatable.
> Fixed: On the event User dashboard there is Facebook and twitter is not translatable.
> Fixed: On checkout page unlimited days were not shown
> Fixed:  Banner side search without main text heading not showing
> Fixed: On Archive Page List view address showing just location
> Fixed: FES builder did not allow to update the custom fields
> Fixed: Side search banner does not show the placeholders
> Fixed: Listing categories element Abstract View 2, only 7 categories display.

6th December 2020 | Version 2.5.14

> Updated: Security hardening to fix recently discovered vulnerabilities
> Fixed: When full address set mandatory it also make mandatory "manual co-ordinates"
> Fixed: On Edit Listing Page While Removing Categories the layout changes.
> Fixed: If Unselect All The Features It Did not Update The Feature To Empty.
> Fixed:  In dashboard booking translations
> Fixed: On location archive page filters does not filter the selected location listing
> Fixed: Advanced filters does not show if the form fields are created by FES Builder
> Fixed: Multi-criteria ratings doesn't work with the categories having "&" in their title
> Fixed: Exclusive form fields vanishes by changing category

28th October 2020 | Version 2.5.13

> Updated: WPBakery Page builder updated
> Fixed: PayPal issue after changing plan with coupon.
> Fixed: PayPal incorrect Price after applying Fix price coupon.
> Fixed: Duplicate pages when importing all demos (WPBakery/Elementor)
> Fixed: Payment Failed page was set as Default.
> Fixed: With Redux latest version Form Fields Edit/Delete options not working.
> Fixed: Transparent Footer Background option not working.
> Fixed: Unable to change section name on Submit listing Page.
> Fixed: Add new text field with placeholder, placeholder will not work.
> Fixed: Required in not working on all Fields.
> Fixed: Categories including "& operator" in their names, are not woking with Multi-rating.
> Fixed: After importing theme PAYMENT FAILED page was set as Default.
> Fixed: Price Plan name doesn't show on Claim.
> Fixed: Proceed to Payment Button is disabled when proceed to pay to Claimed listing.
> Fixed: Total Amount is incorrect on Ads Invoice.
> Fixed: On Menu > Fixed: Group "Tooltip" was not giving any information.
> Fixed: Ad Campaign Page in App view, shows Transaction Date instead of Start Date.
> Fixed: RestaurantPro not getting images from server.
> Fixed: Categories Icon on banner was invisible after importing theme.
> Fixed: Add Type or Group button on Menu adding multiple entries.
> Fixed: Lead Form SENT FROM emails changed from Admin Email to Listing Author email
> Improved: Several UI/UX issues has been fixed for desktop and App View

17th September 2020 | Version 2.5.12

> Improved: Design Improvement.
> Improved: Validations Improvement.
> Fixed: Issue with quick tip
> Fixed: Issue with appointments and lead form on WordPress hosting
> Fixed: Issue with *most reviewed* filter after a review is deleted
> Fixed: Auto-recurring issue with PayPal.
> Fixed: Front-end submit listing pg issue with Features when using category exclusive plan.
> Fixed: Issue with uploading featured image or logo in wp-admin.
> Fixed: Issue with tax on wire bank transfer invoice.
> Fixed: Issue logout button option in theme option was not working.
> Fixed: Issue with Listing Schedule with Free Plan on change plan days not updating.
> Fixed: Issue with Sign-in Link On Submit Listing Page.
> Fixed: Issue with Inbox Notification Alert.
> Fixed: Issue with Importing Elementor dummy content.
> Fixed: Spacing issue with some of the Page Builder Elements.
> Fixed: Translation strings added.
> Fixed: Issue with recurring payment.
> Fixed: (Mobile) Issue with coupon timer on App-View And inactive coupon also.
> Fixed: (Mobile) Issue in App-View auto current location & get current location in city field.

2nd September 2020 | Version 2.5.11

> Improved: Change Plan Price Popup Style UX.
> Fixed: Latest Subscription Shows at the bottom of the page.
> Fixed: On Ads Campaign Page "ALL ADD CAMPAIGN" link was not working.
> Fixed: Listings not Searchable by Location.
> Fixed: Listing cannot be submitted without name and category.
> Fixed: Review images on activities issue.
> Fixed: Issues with demo data with Elementor.
> Fixed: Campaign price text overflow.
> Fixed: On edit listing if featured image not picked it's auto picked from gallery
> Fixed: If FES Form Builder is on, quick tip for categories not working on edit listing
> Fixed: Razorpay add-on (separate) doesn't show until another payment add-ons is enabled.

8th August 2020 | Version 2.5.9

> Fixed: Required button on FES
> Fixed: Unselect all currencies from theme option
> Fixed: Tax Rate Validation in Theme Option
> Fixed: Coupon Discount Price Validation
> Fixed: Campaign Total Paid Amount in invoices using Stripe Payment Gateway
> Fixed: Subscription not canceled after change listing plan using PayPal
> Fixed: Coupon Discount Price issues in Invoices using PayPal
> Fixed: Plan Price is empty in Email After transaction with PayPal.
> Fixed: PayPal unsubscribe button issue
> Fixed: Stripe price in popup issue
> Fixed: Calculation with number format digits
> Fixed: Claim free planned listing does not assign the plan by PayPal, Stripe or Bank transfer
> Fixed: Duration of claimed listing not showing
> Fixed: Coupon Details is Duplicating
> Fixed: If we edit list from expired or published tab it will direct the unknown list edit page
> Fixed: If we select a page for app view category blocks get removed
> Improved: Enhanced theme for Paystack add-on support. (Paystack addon is sold separately)

Note: Several minor design improvements and typos also were addressed in this update.

2nd July 2020 | Version 2.5.8

> Update: WPBakery 6.2 version updated.
> Improved: ListingPro Wizard after the bulk import process.
> Fixed: Claim form validation issue with privacy policy enabled.
> Fixed: Menu Image Is Not Editable when Menu Image Gallery Is Enabled.
> Fixed: Image thumb and listing address missing on map grid with listing compact view.
> Fixed: Next Payment Price is shown on subscription pg instead of the next payment data.
> Fixed: Recent listing does not show when listing order is by Claim or Review.
> Fixed: Coupon list view SHOW CODE button is not working on the listing detail page.
> Fixed: Form Fields Duplication on edit listing page Admin end.
> Fixed: Drop pin issue when page built with Elementor.
> Fixed: Event calendar modern style month start date.
> Fixed: Mobile Reviews Star Issue.
> Fixed: Open now filter pagination issue.
> Fixed: FTP Upload Error resolved.
> Fixed: Submit Listing Page Keyword / Tag Label enabled now.
> Fixed: Open now filter pagination issue.
> Fixed: FTP Upload Error resolved.
> Fixed: Submit Listing Page Keyword / Tag Label enabled now.
> Fixed: App View Category Page Filters.
> Fixed: Near Me Filter Pagination Issue.
> Fixed: Submit Listing reCaptcha Issue.

18th March 2020 | Version 2.5.7

> Fixed : License activation issue on unsecured servers (HTTP).
> Fixed : License host issue (SSL).
> Fixed : Competitor's ads issue on app view.
> Fixed : Listing thumbnail issue on a map pin.
> Fixed : Coupon status remains inactive.
> Fixed : App view header search is not working.
> Fixed : Pricing plan issue on monthly and annually type.
> Fixed : Typo mistakes correction.
> Fixed : Pricing plan listing count fixed.
> Fixed : Multi-location with google is not working (FES).
> Fixed : (Result for undefined) on the category archive page fixed.
> Fixed: Pagination issue when the best match is active.
> Fixed : Pagination issue on child feature archive.
> Fixed : App view show coupon code is not working.
> Fixed : Menu price or external URL conflict while editing a menu.
> Fixed : Author page contact form fixed when the Lead Form plugin is activated.
> Fixed : Author page contact form fixed.
> Fixed : Author listing pagination issue.
> Fixed : Google map issue on app view 2.
> Fixed:  Stripe issue when the total price in decimal (x.xx).
> Fixed : Submit-listing page with Elementor feature problem.
> Fixed : Listing not appearing on archive pages (when sort by 'most reviewed ETC').
> Fixed : Translation strings added. Quick Tip Issue On Description & Listing Tag's  ( With Form Bilder )
> Fixed : Front end menu image issue
> Fixed : ON LISTING EDIT FAQS Data Lost
> Fixed : FAQ text not changing on adding more when FES Builder is activated
> Fixed : Remove coupon filter in new search style
> Fixed : promotional timeline widget with Elementor is not working
> Fixed : Elementor Event Widget Problem

28th January 2020 | Version 2.5.6

> Fixed : Event detail in app view not working
> Fixed : License activation on same domain re-installed WordPress does not work
> Fixed : Near me km issue in style 4th style
> Fixed : Near me filter radius bar hiding behind Skelton loader.
> Fixed : Filters on mobile on front not working
> Fixed : Expired Listing Count On VC Element
> Fixed : Style 3 near me filter
> Fixed : FES Features are not Working
> Fixed : Listing Entries
> Fixed : ReCaptcha problem on submit listing
> Fixed : Alert on author archive
> Fixed : Elementor problem on listing categories widgets
> Fixed : View Menu Button On App View 2
> Fixed : App View Event Detail Page  
> Fixed : App View 2 Archive Page Listing Image
> Fixed : App View 2 Archive Page Map Marker Icon

18th January 2020 | Version 2.5.5

> Fixed : Parent/child category selection issue
> Fixed : Booking in AppView
> Fixed : Near Me on Style 3
> Fixed : Recaptcha on Edit Listing
> Fixed : Sanitization

15th January 2020 | Version 2.5.4

> Fixed : ReCaptcha fixed for listing details page built with Elementor.
> Fixed : Events calendar map issue
> Fixed : Tax calculation
> Fixed : Lead form when save goes in loop if listing not selected.
> Fixed : Unable to edit/save lead form via frontend user dashboard 
> Fixed : Lead form frontend all dropdown fields z-index issue
> Fixed : Events grid display issue
> Fixed : Listing details address alignment
> Fixed : Review/multi-rating errors related to all-reviews.php
> Fixed : After using pagination on archive page style 3 results all categories
> Fixed : Elementor's categories element issue.
> Fixed : XSS security issue fixed related to direct value input in URL.

10th January 2020 | Version 2.5.3

> Fixed : Styling of Email Template is reset after update.
> Fixed : Business hours quick tip in form builder
> Fixed : License activation on previously activated domain
> Fixed : Leads form extra fields not showing
> Fixed : Inbox conversation message
> Fixed : Menu image url when popular switch on.
> Fixed : Submit listing edit with Elementor.
> Fixed : Listing detail page style 3 & 4 responsive map no display .
> Fixed : Location archive app view 2 layout issue.
> Fixed : Embedded video issue.
> Fixed : App view listing post element slider issue.
> Fixed : Edit listing with form builder FAQs issue.
> Fixed : Booking cancel/approve email notification.
> Fixed : Form Builder title place holder.
> Fixed : Add paid listing checkout page sorry you have no paid listing yet.
> Fixed : App view 1 login form hides behind search bar.

8th January 2020 | Version 2.5.2

> Fixed : Mobile list/grid
> Fixed : Compatibility wizard optimized
> Fixed : Submit listing error
> Fixed : App view gris issue
> Fixed : App view image menu link
> Fixed : Lead form template save issue
> Fixed : Map view issue on archive
> Fixed : Map issue on app view
> Fixed : Booking plugin translation
> Fixed : Filter display issue on app view
> Fixed : Inbox leads
> Fixed : Grid/List switcher issue
> Fixed : Video display issue fixed of 
> Fixed : Rating alert date
> Fixed : Responsive login style 2 popup not working
> Fixed : Events map pin image path issue
> Fixed : Events submission failed highlight missed required fields

4th January 2020 | Version 2.5.1

> Updated : WPBakery 6.1
> Fixed : License activation CURL issue
> Fixed : Coupon issue

3rd January 2020 | Version 2.5.0

> Added : [Major] Directory Admin Dashboard (Hard to believe but it's true :)
> Added : [Major] Appointment Booking
> Added : Command Center (Centrally manage LP Add-ons, Visualizer Modules and License)
> Added : OpenStreetMaps (Free alternative to Google Maps)
> Added : [Major] FES Form Builder (Create front-end listing submission form the way you want)
> Added : Events Calendar (Elementor/WPBakery element with various styles)
> Added : Events Attendees list, with option to send bulk msg to all attendees or export list. 
> Added : [Major] Lead Form Builder (New Plugin) *Option for listing owners to build their own form*
> Added : [Major] Category based Multi-Criteria Rating Builder
> Added : [Major] Elementor Page Builder Support
> Added : WPBakery Front-End Editor Support
> Added : Categories based Multi-Criteria Ratings
> Added : Set listing order priority for search result (Order by Claimed, Date, Title, etc)
> Added : Google Analytics for Business Listing Owners
> Added : Sort Reviews for a Listing
> Added : Sidebar Filter
> Added : Menu (Food/Service) redesigned (major revamp)
> Added : Integration with WPForm Lite (For Contact Form Only)
> Added : Skeleton loaders for archive pages.
> Added : New Grid/List styles
> Added : Simple integration with online food delivery service (Uber Eats, Zomato, etc)
> Added : New Home Banner Style
> Added : User Dashboard: Listings View Counter & Published Date
> Added : Elementor/WPBakery custom element to add specific listing by ID
> Added : 2nd Sign/Signup Form design
> Added : Full-view banner style option for listing details page with single image.
> Added : Show lead form only on claimed listing
> Added : Option to hide Grid/List switcher on archive page

> Improved : Search Intellisense enhancement: (1st) Keywords + (2nd) Titles
> Improved : Advanced filter optimized
> Improved : Claim Form Major Redesign + Option to attach file
> Improved : Pricing Plan Enhancement: Show monthly breakdown of annual pricing plans
> Improved : Pricing Plan Enhancement: Set images size & quantity limit
> Improved : Pricing Plan Enhancement: Hide Google Ad (enable for free or paid users)
> Improved : Theme Options tiles & descriptions for better understanding
> Improved : Invoices layout
> Improved : WP All Import - Listing logo bulk import 
> Improved : User dashboard UX/UI enhancements (Incl. Inbox, Events, Ads Campaign, etc)

> Updated : ReCaptcha v3

For more details checkout the following article:

12th December 2019 | Version All issues below were found in the regression testing after the update due to structural changes we made to meet the new Envato standards.

> Fixed : Leads form fixed
> Fixed : App view advance filter fixed
> Fixed : Map banner selected Theme Options fixed
> Fixed : Save listing frontend tab error
> Fixed : Leads form app view fixed
> Fixed : Listing detail page event show map button showing HTML event.php
> Fixed : Multi-locations Google auto not saving submit style 2.
> Fixed : Join now responsive view login popup fixed

5th December 2019 | Version

> Fixed :Image paths for location, category few other elements fixed. 

4th December 2019 | Version

Notice: Due to some recent changes in security and standards we have updated our theme's security and data validation in this quick update.
This update is not feature's update.

> Updated : Redux Framework plugin. 
> Updated : Listingpro Ads plugin
> Updated : Listingpro Reviews plugin
> Updated : Listingpro Plugin

9th Aug 2019 | Version

Notice: Due to a recent change in Envato license activation api, some of our users were running into issue trying to activate the theme. This update was critical to address this issue. Our team is working hard on the next update and we will have it ready as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.


> Updated : Envato License Activation API updated. 
> Updated : WPBakery Updated

1st May 2019 | Version

> Added   : Tax in PDF invoices on user front end dashboard
> Updated : Invoices tax fonts styles
> Updated : Listing pending notifications styles on listing detail page
> Updated : Banner css on home page
> Updated : Date translations

3rd April 2019 | Version 2.0.14

> Added : Multi-events option to assign a single listing
> Added : Email Notification to user on stripe payment
> Updated : Layout and positioning of announcement popup on archive pages
> Updated : Cron Job trigger timing
> Updated : Back-end ad invoices layout
> Updated : Layout of more filter on archive pages.
> Updated : Social share links on blog page
> Updated : Social share links on about author page.
> Updated : header backgrounds, text and buttons color options
> Improved : Child category box on search page
> Improved : include / exclude children terms count

20th March 2019 | Version 2.0.13

> Updated : WPBakery (VC) plugin 5.5 to 5.7
> Improved : Translation updated
> Improved : Backend: When editing a listing, no option to assign features/form fields.
> Improved : Listing submit error text corrected.
> Improved : Inbox conversation remove button
> Fixed : (mobile) App view search result page header search what field width is off
> Fixed : (mobile) App view Error (Notice: Undefined Variable: mobile_view)
> Fixed : (mobile) App view condition missing on gallery in pricing plan
> Fixed : (mobile) App view video banner issue
> Fixed : (mobile) App view add margins in new created pages
> Fixed : author page error display blank page
> Fixed : Expand/collapse multiple FAQ issue
> Fixed : Pricing Plan layout error (Horizontal View 2)
> Fixed : Instant signup is prompting to login when leaving review & rating
> Fixed : In archive view coupon code button doesn't work after filtering
> Fixed : The Social On/Off within theme options only controls submit/edit style 1
> Fixed : CAPTCHA breaks the policy check box on user sign up
> Fixed : On listing details page the price range has a unnecessary border
> Fixed : Clicking show map for event within single listing shows wrong location.
> Fixed : Changing View All text on Multi rating causes styling issues
> Fixed : In Adv. Filter too long the text overlaps
> Fixed : Menu link opens in same tab instead of new tab
> Fixed : Notice: Undefined variable: taxonomy in .../listing-simple.php on line 295
> Fixed : Disabling the Where/location search shows a blank space within the header
> Fixed : Incorrect table heading for announcement
> Fixed : Changing any filters such as open now, highest reviews breaks the call button
> Fixed : Advanced Filter is missing from Archive Style 1
> Fixed : Grid View 4 phone link isn't a tel# link
> Fixed : Via Theme options import all new features not importing
> Fixed : Near me styling distance km overlapping over address
> Fixed : VC elements activity author links should be placed to listing detail pages.
> Fixed : Annual Monthly plan switcher issue (only monthly plans show, no annual plans)
> Fixed : Pre category selection issue
> Fixed : Theme Options: Disable Reserva > Timekit also gets removed.
> Fixed : Theme Options: Enable Timekit > If disable Reserva the form will still show
> Fixed : Author listing pagination issue
> Fixed : Additional filter issue
> Fixed : FAQ issue is listing detail style 3 & 4
> Fixed : Header banner image issue
> Fixed : Delete button for pending invoices direct payment
> Fixed : Add menu without selecting menu type and group didn't show warning field require
> Fixed : Add menu group and type not working
> Fixed : Add invoices delete button added
> Fixed : Blog grids element (circle style) selected number of posts not working
> Fixed : IE Video banner full width issue
> Fixed : PayPal auto-recurring front and backend dashboard subscription tab
> Fixed : When reply on the leads form msg is sent via admin email instead of listing owner.
> Fixed : Disable paid submission/frontend dash announcements are not allowed in listings.
> Fixed : In the search WHAT field dropdown selection after remove shows all dropdown.
> Fixed : Listing detail pg style 3 gallery imgs, biz hrs, price display even if not in plan
> Fixed : Instant signup via review submission unlocked all features as for business owner.
> Fixed : Social info widget not showing all social icons.
> Fixed : New user signups and contacts listing author via leads form issue.

1st February 2019 Version 2.0.12

> Updated : Get location from google address of listing detail page using gps services 
> Updated : css and js optimzation of theme options styles
> Updated : Paid claim approval function 
> Updated : stats counter on user front end dashboard 
> Updated : css styles 
> Updated : translations
> Fixed : Inbox replies and date correcton on user dashbaord 
> Fixed : Pagination problem on location page when top search and filter location is enable 
> Fixed : edit listing delete images 
> Fixed : add review images upload problem on MS edge 
> Fixed : ON App view, default value selection of range slider on listing near me filter 
> Fixed : Filter results duplicaton on pricing plan page 

8th January 2019 Version 2.0.11

> Fixed : WP Admin: When add or edit listing, features/form fields not display. (backward compatibility)
> Fixed : iPhone listing details page map
> Fixed : Advanced Filter issues
> Fixed : Listing claim issue
> Fixed : Price Plan switching to monthly/annual plans disappears.
> Fixed : Translation fixed
> Fixed : Ad campaign minor issue fix. (check box)
> Fixed : change plan fixed on expire listing
> Improved : CSS styles.

21st December 2018 Version 2.0.10

> Added : Multi-Rating on App View
> Added : Open Pop-up Map for events on listing sidebar
> Added : Delete Event Images
> Fixed : Missing Translations
> Fixed : Spelling and Grammer 
> Fixed : Image Upload Limit
> Fixed : Listings changing to free plans
> Fixed : Events
> Fixed : Map Pin
> Fixed : Banner Arrow
> Fixed : Coupon Counter
> Fixed : Issues caused by WordPress 5.0
> Fixed : Enable/Disable Social Links on Submit Listing
> Fixed : Ad Campaign Popup
> Fixed : Header Color Selector
> Fixed : Menu Regular Price Styling
> Fixed : Menu type & Group Delete
> Fixed : Grid View call button
> Fixed : Header seperator bar
> Fixed : PayPal Recurring Payments
> Fixed : Claimed badge not showing on RestaurantPro archive pg.
> Improved : Submit Style 2 help boxes
> Improved : Location Search
> Improved : Widget Layout
> Improved : Price Plan Layout
> Improved : Footer Styling
> Improved : Image Preview when submitting and editing listing
> Improved: User Profile Update
> Improved : Near Me Filter
> Improved : Review Submission
> Improved : App View Styling
> Improved : Add Listing/Contact Support buttons
> Renamed : "Discounts/Deal" to "Coupons" in user-dashboard
> Renamed : (Frontend) Ad option "Side of Listing" to "Sidebar" in user-dashboard
> Renamed : (Backend) Mode option "Duration" to "Pay Per Day (PPD)" on Add New Ad pg. 


16th November 2018 Version 2.0.9

> Added : Option in theme option for set a plan to expiry listing
> Added : Support of all maps styles on listing detail page
> Added : Support of all maps styles on event detail page
> Added : Support of all maps styles on listing quick preview

> Improved : Ads From backend for Admin.
> Improved : Adding plans from backend.
> Improved : Icons for features on home page banner
> Improved : Faqs Edit on Listing edit page (style 2)
> Improved : Short-codes option in Lead form email on listing detail page
> Improved : Cron jobs of subscriptions and listing expiry
> Improved : Auto-Pilot listing submission
> Improved : PDF view of invoices on user dashboard
> Improved : Timings system
> Improved : search system
> Improved : Filter system
> Improved : Listing search on event/discount/menu/announcements as per privileges in pricing plan 
> Improved : Lead form and sidebar made drag-able in listing-style 3/4 
> Improved : Translations for select 2 dropdown improved

> Updated : Listingpro ads plugin
> Updated : Translations

> Fixed : Counter of View, Review, and Leads
> Fixed : Login/register popup on Instant Review submission
> Fixed : Event expiry date issue
> Fixed : Event image not displaying in different scenario
> Fixed : Google address issue on on edit event in user dashboard
> Fixed : Bug in listing author archive tabs
> Fixed : Author archive photos per page issue
> Fixed : Layout disturbed on best match filter
> Fixed : Gallery number of images and number of sizes issue
> Fixed : Child categories issue not displaying after running category filter on archive
> Fixed : Category name updated in banner on archive after running category filter   
> Fixed : Image menu, multiple images selection layout fixed


13th October 2018 Version

> Fixed : Timing system on listing detail page (You can only update one file which is located at listingpro/include/timings.php)

> Improved : Pay Now Button validation on ad campaign.
> Improved : Ad campaigns WP-admin friendly.
> Improved : User dashboard in "App View"
> Improved : "Activities" Element number of posts

> Updated : WPBakery updated to 5.5.5


12th October 2018 Version 2.0.8

> Added : Events Element for WPBakery
> Added : Pending Invoice tab within User Dashboard

> Fixed : Buttons user Primary color
> Fixed : Price Plan Event Text
> Fixed : Edit Listing Page
> Fixed : Mapbox zoom
> Fixed : Payment Checkout styling issues
> Fixed : Multi-site support
> Fixed : Statistics
> Fixed : Creating ad layout
> Fixed : Missing Translation Lines
> Fixed : Link to User Profile
> Fixed : Placeholder Text with User Dashboard

> Improved : Event shows until midnight on day of the event
> Improved : SEO Titles
> Improved : Styling of My subscriptions page
> Improved : Event descriptions see more button
> Improved : User Dashboard on mobile
> Improved : App View Single Listing style
> Improved : Button styles within User Dashboard

> Updated : WPBakery updated to 5.5.4


29th September 2018 Version 2.0.7

> Added : Single Events Page
> Added : Image Menu

> Fixed : Event description is cut off
> Fixed : Spelling & Grammer

> Improved : Theme Options layout


19th September 2018 Version 2.0.6

> Fixed Near me style broken
> Fixed Unpaid invoices ???
> Fixed Monthly, Yearly filter for pricing plan (Yearly plans display under monthly tab)
> Fixed Dashboard stats issue
> Fixed WPBakery (VC) element: Listing category: box view 2: Category (all selected)
> Fixed Listing archive pg - Style 2 > listing style 5 (Landing) > listing grid style
> Fixed Listing archive pg - Google Adsense not working on listing with header filter  
> Fixed Review > submitted > Edit and browse image (undefined error)
> Fixed Safari Browser - Dashboard menus 
> Fixed Most viewed filter 
> Fixed AppView - Banner with category in the top header style the banner doesn't display
> Fixed AppView - On home pg unable to click Location search
> Fixed Discount price not on invoice (edited)

> Fixed Add unpaid Invoice Tab
> Fixed Ads Issues
> Fixed Announcement Save
> Fixed App View Styling - Buttons under listing name
> Fixed Header Background Home Page
> Fixed Multi-site: Dashboard Stats shows for NEW user
> Fixed Multi-site: Visitors can access backend.
> Fixed Review with rating
> Fixed Search Banner
> Fixed Social Icons App View
> Fixed Stripe Recurring Payment submission error
> Fixed Theme Options: User Dash > Enable/Disable Menu
> Fixed Wire Transfer Invoices
> Fixed WP-Admin edit add
> Fixed App View Missing Features
> Fixed Can't pay for listings
> Fixed Listing User Dashboard
> Fixed Spelling and Grammar
> Fixed Spelling mistake
> Fixed Additional detail issue on listing detail page
> Fixed App View - WhatsApp phone#
> Fixed can't click on user name to go to author page
> Fixed Features not display
> Fixed recurring payment issue
> Fixed Search with auto location did not work

> Fixed Change plan problem with stripe 
> Fixed Menu: Adding new group replaces selected 
> Fixed Next-end Social Login 
> Fixed Price issue on ad campaign 
> Fixed Responsive View Search and Category Pages 
> Fixed Search filter with location
> Fixed Tax Price Issue
> Fixed App View Search/Category 
> Fixed App View Single Listing 
> Fixed Coupon in Category & Single Listing 
> Fixed Create Ads: Pay Now Button active by default 
> Fixed Google Captcha 
> Fixed Invoices 
> Fixed Single Listing Map Responsive 
> Fixed Users can see all ads 


11th September 2018 Version 2.0.5

> Updated map in listing detail page.
> Updated Submit button activation on ad campaign form.
> Updated Wire additional information on wire invoices.
> Updated bank details on wire invoices
> Updated Email short-codes

> Fixed Filter on all new styles
> Fixed Additional details display on listing style 3 and 4
> Fixed Adding new menu group replace the previous one group created.
> Fixed Dashboard stats for new user and multisite users.
> Fixed User can see all ads of other users
> Fixed Link for author page on name of listing author on listing detail page
> Fixed Recurring payment object object problem on stripe
> Fixed On Change plan, invoice was not showing price as well as it was not being created
> Fixed Search filter with google auto location is not working
> Fixed All features were not displaying on listing detail page
> Fixed Price display issue on ad creation from front end user dashboard
> Fixed Multisite, visitors can access admin panel on multisite.
> Fixed Invoices were repeating on user front end dashboard
> Fixed On archive pages, coupons were not displaying
> Fixed Footer on app view was not showing
> Fixed Spelling and Grammer

> Added Individual checks based on configuration for social login on user login and registration form.


4th September 2018 Version 2.0.4

> Fixed Booking tabs doesn’t show in user dashboard
> Fixed Can’t edit listing logo
> Fixed Ad Camping require to select pay now to show payment gateways
> Fixed Wire Transfer Invoice show admin select currency symbol
> Fixed Payment checkout button shows before accepting terms
> Fixed Paying new listing requires extra step to select the listing you are paying
> Fixed Shorter default add email text at bottom of add listing to improve styling
> Fixed Invoice billing address doesn’t come from profile
> Fixed Non Listing users see received reviews tab
> Fixed Non Listings users submitted review doesn’t show within their dashboard
> Fixed Banners courtesy text incorrect
> Fixed Inbox doesn’t show user icons
> Fixed Inbox only shows latest reply
> Fixed Quick Edit a price plan removes all selected options
> Fixed Disabling Price Range still shows on Submit and Edit listing
> Fixed Claim form Terms agreement styling
> Fixed Download invoice is blank
> Fixed Submitting a menu without a listing selected shows success message
> Fixed Edit review shows for received reviews
> Fixed Search doesn’t show in header
> Fixed Search Header Styling
> Fixed Quick Tips for Analytics
> Fixed Quick Tips for Policy accept
> Fixed Report review doesn’t work
> Fixed Cant accept terms if Google Capture is enabled
> Fixed Doesn’t use WordPress Date format within the front-end
> Fixed Contact Form Email and phone number aren’t clickable links
> Fixed Pay button still shows on paid but pending listings
> Fixed 2nd Time slot doesn’t show correctly on single listing page
> Fixed Quick Tip for Listing Title shows incorrect text
> Fixed Sidebar Ads doesn’t show within listings
> Fixed Cant edit service menu group or type
> Fixed Instant sign up doesn’t work for review
> Fixed Existing images for Events, Coupons, Menu, Logo and featured image doesn’t show
> Fixed Sign up App View field styling
> Fixed Checkout doesn’t show applied discount
> Fixed Setting to 12 hour clock still shows as 24 hour when adding or editing listing
> Fixed Whatsapp doesn’t show on Listing Style 3 & 4
> Fixed White space shows when App View search is closed
> Fixed Theme Option screenshots incorrect
> Fixed Issues with Edge Browser
> Fixed Forgetting to enter user details when submitting listings causes the submission to never submit
> Fixed Top of Search Ad doesn’t show at top of search
> Fixed Ad Camping sidebar shows title of disabled Ad options
> Fixed Placeholder text within user dashboard incorrect
> Fixed Review images show twice within app view for VC activity element
> Fixed Mobile Login issue
> Fixed Privacy policy doesn’t show on Review or Lead when enabled
> Fixed Disabling Featured image still gives option to upload on submit and edit
> Fixed Listing Style 2 gives options to show video in sidebar
> Fixed Social media link styling issues when editing listing

> Added Expired Listing Tab to User Dashboard
> Added Different number option for Whatsapp
> Added Visual Composer Element to show events
> Added Multi-site Support
> Added Allow admin to delete invoice

19th August 2018 Version 2.0.3

> Fixed  :Paid claim system working, 
> Fixed  :Pricing plan Monthly yearly issues fixed.
> Fixed  :Empty categories selection issue fixed in category based pricing plans.
> Fixed  :Pricing plans Default option (when monthly and yearly enabled) issues fixed.
> Fixed  :Pricing plan Hide options issue fixed.
> Fixed  :Wire invoice confirm button problem fixed at wp-admin
> Fixed  :Announcements Saving content problem fixed.
> Fixed  :Event's hard coded address removed.
> Fixed  :Coupon external or internal option enabled.
> Fixed  :Dashboard layout issues fixed.
> Fixed  :Dashboard reviews, Listing name issue fixed.
> Fixed  :Menu tabs issue at frontend dashboard for normal user fixed.
> Fixed  : Listing Stats system updated completely, (Resets last week stats)
> Fixed  :Ad campaign per day text added with price, 
> Fixed  :Ad campaign calculation problem solved, 
> Fixed  :Ad campaign tax issues fixed.
> Fixed  :Ad campaigns Conditions issue fixed.
> Fixed  :Ad campaigns invoices errors fixed.
> Fixed  :app view detail page problem fixed.
> Fixed  :App view default pin problem fixed.
> Fixed  :App view instant signup on reviews fixed.
> Fixed  :App view grid slider issue fixed.
> Fixed  :App view archive page map icon fixed.
> Fixed  :Multi rating without sign in user problem fixed.
> Fixed  :Faq problem on edit listing page fixed.
> Fixed  :Expiry email problem at recurring payment fixed.
> Fixed  :Hard coded link from loop.php removed.
> Fixed  :Listing remove popup in dashboard fixed.
> Fixed  :New filter enable disable problem fixed.
> Fixed  :Nearme enable/disable problem fixed in new filter.
> Fixed  :Blog element clearfix issue fixed.
> Fixed  :Category icon problem in new archive layout fixed.
> Fixed  :Clearfix issue on archive pages fixed.

> Added  :Background image option included for new filter.
> Added  :Lead form Listing name included in inbox at dashboard.
> Added  :Ad campaigns popup content options added in theme options > ads options.

15th August 2018 Version 2.0.2-UPDATED

> Fixed  : Events and Coupons styled blue to match rest at wp admin
> Fixed  : Listing search at wp admin styled
> Fixed  : Call button in listing grid fixed
> Fixed  : Listing Logo on detail page anchor removed
> Fixed  : Styling issues in listing style 1 fixed, 
> Fixed  : Styling issues in listing style 3 fixed
> Fixed  : Edit listing from user dashboard issues fixed
> Fixed  : Remove listing from dashboard issues fixed
> Fixed  : User icon on header issues fixed
> Fixed  : Coupon styling issues fixed
> Fixed  : Event display issues fixed
> Fixed  : Announcement edit issues fixed
> Fixed  : Inbox at user dashboard issues fixed
> Fixed  : Ad campaigns issues fixed, 
> Fixed  : Google Fill o bot issue fixed
> Fixed  : Hide option on pricing plan fixed
> Fixed  : Feature image hide issue fixed, 
> Fixed  : Category restricted feature and additional details display issue fixed, 
> Fixed  : City in listing submission problem fixed
> Fixed  : Add listing button added in user dashboard
> Fixed  : Logout icon added, 
> Fixed  : Homepage map issue fixed
> Fixed  : Listing style 3 map issue on app view fixed
> Fixed  : Pay now button removed if paid mode disabled
> Fixed  : Additional filter issue on archive style 2 fixed
> Fixed  : Ad campaign activation issue fixed
> Fixed  : App view banner on homepage 
> Fixed  : Coupon counter issue,
> Fixed  : And many UI issues fixed
> Fixed  : Nearme Radios slider in new filter design fixed

13th August 2018 Version 2.0.2

> Fixed  : Tax price issues in invoice fixed
> Fixed  : Ad campaign sidebar problem fixed
> Fixed  : Listing submit page Fill-o-Bot activation on check
> Fixed  : Image edit option added in Events, Discounts and menu
> Fixed  : Social media issue in listing submit page,
> Fixed  : Multi rating toggle issue fixed

11th August 2018 Version 2.0.1

> Fixed  : Setup wizard Demo content import issue 
> Fixed  : Footer widgets issue
> Fixed  : Listing submit page I agree checkbox issue
> Fixed  : Number of images in listing submit issue
> Fixed  : Dashboard contact support button issue

9th August 2018 Version 2.0

> NEW  : New Design! RestaurantPro – Demo will be live soon
> NEW  : User Dashboard 2.0 – Total revamp to provide most useful insights
> NEW  : Event Management System (Built in exclusively for listingpro)
> NEW  : Deals & Coupons (Built in exclusively for listingpro)
> NEW  : Menu Management System (Built in exclusively for listingpro)
> NEW  : Ad Campaign revamp - Now users can choose to run Ads with Pay Per Day (PPD) or Pay Per Click (PPC) + Select a Budget.  (Built in exclusively for listingpro)

> NEW  : Advanced (call to action) Announcement with Templates> NEW  : Inbox Integrated with Lead from, (Built in exclusively for listingpro)
> NEW  : Stats for Ads and Listings
> NEW  : Setup wizard revamp and one click demo import
> NEW  : Header designs, 
> NEW  : Banner designs, 
> NEW  : Search designs
> NEW  : Listing Details Page designs
> NEW  : Live Search system revamp
> NEW  : Banner category boxes designs and placements, 
> NEW  : Listing grid and list view designs, 
> NEW  : Email management general short codes 
> NEW  : Archive design, 
> NEW  : Filter design, with location filter, 
> NEW  : ADDITIONAL DETAILS SUPPORT IN FILTER (Only multi option fields)
> NEW  : Monthly Annually pricing plans
> NEW  : Restrict competitor ads through pricing plans
> NEW  : Hide feature of pricing plans option
> NEW  : All listing detail page option restricted by pricing plans
> NEW  : Designs for pricing plans
> NEW  : Coupon code system for checkout process
> NEW  : Checkout process revamp
> NEW  : Hook based payment system
> NEW  : PayPal Recurring system
> NEW  : Wp admin custom page’s styling, 
> NEW  : Mutli rating system, 
> NEW  : Google adsense new spot
> NEW  : Invoices system revamp
> NEW  : Listing submission form new design, (Sticky quick tip added for fields)
> NEW  : Auto Pilot listing submission with Google Places, 
> NEW  : Number of images for listing gallery option, 
> NEW  : Upload size in MBs for listing gallery (For all images)
> NEW  : Logo option in listing submission (Applied for listing detail page style 3)
> NEW  : Google map on homepage options, (User current city or by category)
> NEW  : Author page for frontend, 

> Fixed  : Subscription Cancel issue resolved, 
> Fixed  : Email sending failed for stripe issue resolved, 


25th May 2018 Version 1.2.15

> ADDED : GDPR Compliance related New Theme Options added.

16th March 2018 Version 1.2.14

> ADDED  : WPBAKERY (Js composer) plugin compatibility with latest version,

1st March 2018 Version 1.2.13
> ADDED  : Nextend social login plugin compatibility,
> ADDED  : Feature image preview in Edit listing
> ADDED  : Listing title exclude option in search system
> ADDED  : Username field option on instant registration (Review and listing submission), 
> ADDED  : Number of post option in Blog Grid Element of Wpbakery

6th Feb 2018 Version 1.2.12

> ADDED  : BDT currency
> ADDED  : Bullets style in content editor of listing and posts
> UPDATE : Optimize queries for performance
> UPDATE : Value of prefilled form fields on changing categories retained
> UPDATE : Value of pre-selected features on changing categories retained
> UPDATE : Added asterisk (*) symbol with necessary fields in listing submission and edit page
> UPDATE : Form field data validation of contact us page
> UPDATE : Buttons alignments on published listings in user dashboard
> UPDATE : Buttons alignments on pending listings in user dashboard
> UPDATE : Buttons alignments on expired listings in user dashboard
> UPDATE : Buttons in text area editor on listing submit and edit page
> UPDATE : Change order of invoices on user front end dashboard
> UPDATE : Stripe invoices and email
> UPDATE : User Dashboard listing invoices
> UPDATE : Image upload of Location and Category
> UPDATE : Image sizes on blog page
> UPDATE : Removed duplicate queries from listingpro VC elements
> UPDATE : Translation of "left" on user dashboard
> UPDATE : Theme options descriptions
> UPDATE : Theme options dependency for App view home URL
> UPDATE : Responsive layout
> Fixed   : Captcha on Listing submission and edit page.
> Fixed   : On edit listing page, validation of title and description
> Fixed   : Review images when reviews are in 2nd tab in listing detail page style 2
> Fixed   : Display of FAQ on edit listing if FAQ is empty during listing submission
> Fixed   : Duplicate categories results in search drop-down
> Fixed   : Pagination on tags search
> Fixed   : Front end media upload button on user profile page
> Fixed   : Next and Previous translatable on blog post
> Fixed   : On archive page, Sub-categories in same order as the parent categories are
> Fixed   : Spelling and Grammar
> Fixed   : All social icons of theme options integrated footer contact widget and contact us page
> Fixed   : Space under contact us page map
> Fixed   : Pre-selected location name in "where form field" on top search form when user navigate from the location


5th Jan 2018 Version 1.2.11

> ADDED : New option in search setting for "Default Search by" (Title or Tag/Keyword)
> ADDED : Default location option for map view on search result and archive page.
> UPDATED : Restrict access of expired listing in more secured and convenient way.
> UPDATED : Default Icon on quick preview compatible with theme option.
> UPDATED : Invoices on change plan.
> UPDATED : Stripe invoice on change plan.
> UPDATED : Invoices for PayPal on change plan.
> UPDATED : User dashboard on App view when only expired listing are there.
> FIXED : Filters fixes were made
> FIXED : Sign-out on user dashboard page in app view
> FIXED : Features template page notice
> FIXED : Spell and grammar corrections

31st Dec 2017 Version 1.2.10

> ADDED :  GPS Option for user current location
> ADDED :  ON/OFF Option for user current location
> ADDED :  Search mode option for search form.
> FIXED :  Login/Registration for mobile app view
> UPDATED : Listing tags works with search without selecting suggestion.

22nd Dec 2017 Version 1.2.9

> ADDED :  Default featured option in theme option.
> ADDED :  Set featured image from a random gallery image.
> ADDED :  New email templates added for review email.
> FIXED :  Tooltip fixes on campaign Ad type
> FIXED :  Template-login.php captcha problem
> FIXED :  Captcha refresh
> FIXED :  Exclusive form fields checked issue
> FIXED :  Recurring button UI Updated
> FIXED :  loop.php text domain Ipdated
> FIXED :  limit removed from exclusive form fields
> FIXED :  Extra dot. removed from listing title in mobile loop
> FIXED :  Typo mistakes
> UPDATED : Food and services menu popup updated
> UPDATED : Instant signup, email creation for submit listing
> UPDATED : Subscription cancellation on change plan
> UPDATED : Priority order set in filter sorting
> UPDATED : Pagination problem fixed for features and list-tag taxonomy
> UPDATED : Plugin installation from child theme.
> UPDATED : Unique html ids on same page updated.
> UPDATED : Code improvements.

13th Dec 2017 Version 1.2.8

> Added :  Added "alt" attributes to location images on location element of VC
> FIXED :  Many typos and grammar issues addressed.
> FIXED :  Features duplication on front and backend.
> FIXED :  Features not showing in categories column in backend.
> FIXED :  Features title not shown while submitting a listing.
> FIXED :  Form Fields duplication on front and backend
> FIXED :  On edit listing on backend, features not selected if they are assigned.
> FIXED :  Form fields data not updating from backend.
> FIXED :  Publish button hides when last listing of a purchased plan get submitted.
> FIXED :  Captcha fixed on submit and edit page of listing.
> FIXED :  On App view, check for "if user is logged in" on join now forms.
> FIXED :  Timing issue when time is 24 hours for a day and update listing  from front/backend.   
> FIXED :  If an expired listing's plan upgraded from free, it remains expired and doesn't publish.
> FIXED :  If all reviews of a listing are deleted and the listing is an Ad, then "NAN" shows on the detail page sidebar for Ads.

7th Dec 2017 Version 1.2.7

> Added   :   Listing tags archive files
> Updated :  Multi-location on listing edit page
> Updated :  Removed parent categories check on category listing and vc listing page elements.
> Updated :  Login Page Template
> Updated :  Css styles 
> Fixed   :  Features and form fields at admin panel
> Fixed   :   Extra white space removed on features on listing edit and submit at back end
> Fixed   :  500 interval server error
> Fixed   :  Ad remove problem from back end

1st Dec 2017 Version 1.2.6

> UPDATED : Visual Composer plugin 5.4.5
> FIXED : Timing problem
> FIXED :  Search button font compatibility with theme option
> FIXED :  Review fold unfold
> FIXED :  String to array warning in nearby widget when category option is yes from theme options
> FIXED :  Spell correction in theme options Available options are single/multi category
> FIXED :  Alignment of filter is in mobile view.
> FIXED :  Be the first one to rate is displayed whereas the review option is switched off.
> FIXED :  Orders option of theme not compatible with ajax search filter
> FIXED :  Claim on from approved to pending don't update the claimed badge
> FIXED :  Set title to the alt tag of listing detail page gallery
> FIXED :  In search, tags not come up with suggestion when you don't have category attached to the listing 
> FIXED :  Ads promotion every option with on/off
> FIXED :  Search (when google location is enables) and user don't selects the location from suggestion. Locations don't get effected in search results.
> FIXED :  I agree check validation not working when there is mobile app view
> FIXED :  Icons problem on listing detail page
> FIXED :  On backend, form fields and features for multi-category onload and on select 
> FIXED :  All categories option in "Blog Grids" visual composer element. 
> FIXED :  On listin submit, spell mistake of "Browse" in featured image field 
> FIXED :  Made string translatable of blog comment form 
> FIXED :  Spell Mistake "Password Field For User Sign Up Form"

23rd November 2017 Version 1.2.5

> ADDED : FAQ import option in wp-allimport-listingpro-adon.
> ADDED : Default location option for map view on search result and archive page.
> Updated : A minor change in timing system.
> Updated : Exluded child terms category in "listing by" element of visual composer
> Updated : Show default form fields on backed
> Updated : Added address in app view map icon popup
> Updated : Hide listing stats from user dashboard if user is fresh registered and have no listings yet
> FIXED : Footer display on mobile app view
> FIXED : Placeholder in search form when manual location option is activated
> FIXED : Update Google address on listing edit.
> FIXED : Claim form when user is not loggedin in app view
> FIXED : Password field compatible with theme options in app view on registration
> FIXED : I agree checkbox added in app view registration form
> FIXED : Spell corrections
> FIXED : Translation string in blog comment form.

22nd November 2017 Version 1.2.4

> Updated : Timing system with in all scenarios
> Updated : Multi hours optional on add listing page
> Updated : Payment description with transaction Dynamic 
> Updated : Invoices on change plan 
> Updated : App view filters ON/Off options
> Updated : WP bakery plugin 5.4.4
> Updated : Ads widget supported on all sidebars
> Updated : Price icon change in filter
> Updated : Currency symbol placement according to theme options
> Updated : Order change in reviews
> Fixed : Mobile App view fix for google map
> FIXED : NearBy Widget
> FIXED : Select all option in wp admin 
> FIXED : Pagination problem in open now and nearme
> FIXED : Filter keyword post_name
> FIXED : Shortcode support in content of listing description
> FIXED : Dashboard Listing's action buttons
> FIXED : Features and additional form fields on new listing at backend
> FIXED : Pagination in filter of app view
> ADDED : Multi location with google locations
> ADDED : Russian and Ghana currency symbol added
> ADDED : Listing order option added at theme option

7th November 2017 Version 1.2.3

> Added : Listing owner restriction on posting a review on their own listings
> Added : Youtube video display option in popup/embed on listing detail page
> Fixed : Registration process on login template.
> Fixed : Paginations fix for Near Me when there is no result.
> Fixed : Listing Posts element view compatibility with theme option
> Fixed : Listing by element view compatibility with theme option
> Fixed : Lead form missing in detail page layout style 1
> Fixed : Extra "Select your listing features" string on listing submission and edit removed.
> Fixed : PHP notices fix
> Fixed : Spell fix (Additional Bussiness => Additional Business)

5th November 2017 Version 1.2.2

> Added : Customize Listing Details Page Layout with built-in Drag-n-Drop option
> Added : Multi-Operational Hours (2nd Time Slot in a day)
> Added : Advance time management for businesses open past 12 am (midnight).
> Added : FAQs import support added to WP All Import Add-on (For ListingPro)
> Added : WhatsApp option on listing detail page
> Updated : On listing submission, support for a registered user (email or username).
> Updated : Multi-Location and Multi-Category enabled on the backend.
> Updated : Filters On/Off Option 
> Updated : Mobile X (App Like View on Mobile Browsers) Layout enhanced.
> Updated : Responsive improvements
> Updated : Filters User Experience (UX) updated.
> Updated : Parent-Category shows if the multi-categories are attached to a listing.
> Updated : Features appear in the same order on front-end as saved on the backend.
> Updated : Change plan show/hide option
> Updated : Categories support up to 3 levels.
> Updated : Locations support up to 3 levels.
> Updated : Form fields duplication on listing submission page
> Fixed : Packages counter update on adding listings
> Fixed : Captcha reset Fixes
> Fixed : Login Fixes
> Fixed : Listing submission validation
> Fixed : Listing login Template
> Fixed : Pagination Fixes
> Fixed : Proceed to checkout button shows only for 2Checout.
> Fixed : Null and false message in listing preview
> Fixed : Wire Method invoice fix
> Fixed : Custom address on edit listing not updating
> Fixed : Detail page link fix for blog post on blog page
> Fixed : 404 page fix on add listing on instant login
> Fixed : Category blank space for Image fixes
> Fixed : Locations blank space for Image fixes
> Fixed : Duplicate images are saving in gallery meta box
> Fixed : I agree checkbox not enabling the register button
> Fixed : Single image delete in gallery on listing submission
> Fixed : Category Filter for Mobile X (App Like View on Mobile Browsers) fixed
> Fixed : Content box element on visual composer not working fixed
> Fixed : Save & Unsave function for a listing fixed.

17th 2017 Version 1.2.1

> FIXED : Pagination on filter
> FIXED : Saved features edit post
> FIXED : category change icon default value never blank
> FIXED : Cross button on logging popup
> FIXED : I agree button on listing detail page was not getting checked
> FIXED : Duplication of form fields
> Added : hide/show for report review and report listing
> Updated : Mobile app listing detail bottom links
> Updated : Add/edit listing only single image is uploading to gallery
> FIXED : Map icons position on mobile view
> FIXED : Add review in mobile view
> FIXED : Extra check just before button in Pricing plan
> FIXED : Edit page view disturb form fields
> FIXED : Form fields with excluded category
> FIXED : z-index in filter drop-down
> FIXED : Timekit meta-box in template dashboard file
> FIXED : Mobile app view translation issue on pagination

13th 2017 Version 1.2.0

> Added : Multi-Level Categories in Listing Submission
> Added : Multi-Level Locations in Listing Submission
> Added : Google Map Drop-pin drag option for address(custom latitude and longitude) in listing submission
> Added : Login field for user to login and submit listing on listing submission page
> Added : Featured image upload option on listing submission page
> Added : Edit listing slug on listing edit
> Added : Common Form Fields option for all listing categories on listing submission
> Added : 2checkout payment method for listing and ads promotion
> Added : Nearme filter with distance range in filter
> Added : Best matches listing in filter
> Added : Most viewed listing in filter
> Added : Nearby listings widget for listing detail page
> Added : New layout option for listing detail page
> Added : Mobile app view and response view option
> Added : Delete invoices options for admin
> Added : Report review option
> Added : Report listing option
> Added : Report pages for listing and reviews in admin panel with approve report option
> Added : Reported status for listings and reviews
> Updated: Google location with state and country
> Updated: Stripe payment settings
> Updated : Blog page left sidebar
> Updated : Blog page right sidebar
> Updated : Recaptcha refresh on ajax validation
> Updated : Design of listing filter option

24th August 2017 Version 1.1.10

> Fixed : Checkout page, Structure fixes were made
> Fixed : Multi-subscriptions for single user is fixed 
> Fixed : pagination for location string has been fixed
> Fixed : Change plan with paid subscriptions
> Fixed : Email fixes for review reply and submit
> Fixed : Captcha fixes on listing submit and edit page
> Update: Filter with time feature
> Update: User avatar update on blog page
> Update : login page Css
> Update: User display name updated instead of user login

19th August 2017 Version 1.1.9

> Updated: Repeated locations in listing submission and edit page
> Updated: Repeated locations in search form
> Updated: Position of recurring payment checkbox
> Added : On checkout page, Title about listings and payment gateways
> Added : Subscription Cancel notice while change plan.
> Fixed : Location id in filter option
> Fixed : Plan selection on checkout page
> Fixed : Slider of listing detail page

17th August 2017 Version 1.1.8

> ADDED : Auto Recurring Payment system with Stripe payment gateway.
> ADDED : Auto Locations (World-Wide Cities) on Submit Listing Pg, powered by Google.
> ADDED : Auto Locations (World-Wide Cities) on Home Search field, powered by Google.
> ADDED : 2 sliders option for listing detail page
> ADDED : Lead form email template
> UPDATE: Saved listings tabs now show for fresh registered user
> UPDATE: Signup to sign-in flip after successful registration
> UPDATE: Keyword search with pagination and filter
> Fixed : Reviews reactions in recent reactivity on user dashboard
> Fixed : contact page email
> Fixed : option of lead form only show with claimed listings
> Fixed : Ads listings on listing search and taxonomy page
> Fixed : Translations on change plan popup

1 August 2017 Version 1.1.7

> ADDED : Change plan on all post types
> ADDED : Plan integrated with theme options permanent On/Off
> ADDED : Plan price option including tax
> ADDED : Review restriction one user one review for one listing
> UPDATE: Recaptcha on Review without logged in
> UPDATE: Lead form show only if listing claimed (Optional)
> UPDATE: Location taxonomy 2 levels (parent/child) in dropdown

21 July 2017 Version 1.1.6

> ADDED : Pricing plan options for listing content restrictions,
> ADDED : More social links added in footer
> ADDED : Location boxed view
> UPDATE: Change plan system
> UPDATE: What field hide option
> UPDATE: Avatar on blog
> UPDATE: Day Off on grid and list view
> UPDATE: Ads duration
> UPDATE: Claim notice email template for previous owner
> UPDATE: Claim popup
> FIXED : Banner.php error
> FIXED : Breadcrumb.php error
> FIXED : Without location check
> FIXED : Cron for ads issue
> FIXED : Checkout link issue

16 July 2017 Version 1.1.5

> FIXED : Pricing plan empty button
> FIXED : Published button on free plan
> FIXED : List view number of words in listing title
> FIXED : Commented email code Problem
> FIXED : Price range signs hide if empty
> UPDATE: Claim form fields required

15 July 2017 Version 1.1.4

> ADDED : Google Captcha Options for forms
> ADDED : New API for User Location tracking
> ADDED : Remaining days column in listing admin 
> ADDED : Page Title Background from page meta
> ADDED : Page title show hide option
> ADDED : Fast and optimized pagination system 
> UPDATE : queries performances 
> UPDATE : Map zoom option in mobile view
> UPDATE : Invoice number in invoice email template
> UPDATE : Tax system 
> UPDATE : Price plan system
> UPDATE : Expired Listing System to Changing Price Plan for The Listing
> UPDATE : User avatar in blog VC element
> FIXED : Claim Empty Import
> FIXED : Image check on submit & edit listing
> FIXED : 404 console error
> FIXED : Stop auto sorting features in category meta
> FIXED : FAQ 1 not visible 
> FIXED : Spell mistakes in Claim popup
> FIXED : User name instead of User ID in invoices
> FIXED : Category Ajax in edit listing page
> FIXED : UTF-8 in Email Template
> FIXED : Price miscalculation in payment with tax

22 June 2017 Version 1.1.3

> GET data sensitization, issue FIXED
> Scroll problem in Search dropdown FIXED
> Location VC Element Order by option ADDED
> Price Range system Updated
> Save & Preview button disable after click UPDATED
> No ajax will run if category's features and fields are empty UPDATED
> Gallery Issues FIXED
> Location and Listing detail page Map pin option ADDED
> Extra options removed

17 June 2017 Version 1.1.2

> Pagination system UPDATED
> Post per page option in theme options ADDED
> 2 Formats for timings 12h/24h ADDED
> Email template UPDATED
> Logout button in mobile view UPDATED
> Claim in mobile view UPDATED
> Blog Pagination UPDATED
> Frontend Media issue FIXED
> Number of ads option in ads widget ADDED
> Login window in mobile view FIXED
> Review votes translatable in dashboard activity UPDATED
> Listing description line break will work with keyboard "Enters" UPDATED
> Taxonomy meta update issue FIXED
> Edit listing gallery issue FIXED
> Home search responsive issues FIXED
> FAQ title and placeholder issue FIXED
> Turkish Lira Currency symbol ADDED

8 June 2017 Version 1.1.1

> Claim system Updated
> Email system for ads purchase Added
> 24 Hours open feature for timing Added
> Agreement system on listing submission Added
> Contact page content on/off options Added
> Shortcode friendly Listing description Updated
> Search system with post tile Updated
> Features system Updated
> Maps Updated
> Join now and add listing on mobile Fixed
> Ad campaigns counter Fixed
> Ad campaigns invoices Fixed
> Paypal description Fixed
> PayPal email Fixed
> Gallery upload cookies issue Fixed
> SSL cookies Issue fixed
> Timezone system from wordpress Added
> Menu color on map view Fixed

2 June 2017 Version 1.1.0

> Stripe payment Updated 
> Wire invoice Updated 
> Taxation System Added
> Location system On/Off from website Added
> Custom Latitude and longitude in listing submission address field Added
> FrontEnd Dashboard menu items ON/OFF Added
> Separate Mobile menu option Added
> Update listing email problem Fixed
> Claim ON/OFF option Added
> Claim Email functionality on approval Added
> Changes in date format in user dashboard Added
> Invoices table issues Fixed
> Invoices Print & preview problem Fixed
> More currency symbols Added
> Expired listing re-publishing and payment option Added
> Theme optimization
> Cron job Issues Fixed
> Video banner option Added
> Typography issues Fixed
> Tags and shortcodes support in FAQS and Content Updated
> Translations issues Fixed
> UX/UI improvements

16 May 2017 Version 1.0.5

> ListingPro Bulk importer (WP All Import AddOn) added 
> Theme Performance optimized
> Theme memory usage Optimized
> Click on website link track user's city,country and zip, Display in recent activity at user dashboard
> Map Libraries update
> Invoices Update
> Pricing Plan currency right/left option
> Where field (Location) Switcher
> Description HTML friendly
> FAQ content area HTML friendly
> Preview Content issue solved
> Submit & edit page optimized
> Listing detail page user detail on/off switcher

7 & 8 May 2017 Version 1.0.4

> Gallery on submit page fixed
> Post status issue on edit page solved
> Price range sign issue fixed
> URL restriction for timekit and resurva added
> Stripe payment counting issue fixed

4 May 2017 Version 1.0.3

> Currency sign option for price range added
> Reviews form show only on published listings
> Different dashboard features for normal visitor and listing owner
> Pre-Populated location in search
> Search option in location field of search
> Forget password Fixed.
> Site performance optimization
> Responsive issues fixed.
> Map view on mobile
> Backend js issue fixed for google map api
> Translations Improved

30 April 2017 Version 1.0.2

> Filter customization added,
> Review switch option added
> Review options added (Only logged in user/signup and review)
> Review votes now cookies based.
> Review reply option added for business owner,
> Leads form switch option added
> Ads from backend issue solved
> Invoices backend error fixed.
> Invoices print popup fixed
> Search dropdown categories option added
> New Text strings added to translation file.
> Listingpro plugin updated (Translation)
> Listingpro Ads plugin updated
> Main.css updated
> Responsive issues fixed

25 April 2017 Version 1.0.1

> Child Theme Included in the package
> Color Change option Added
> Typography option Added
> URL rewrite options Added
> Submit page field switch options updated ( Need to update listingpro-plugin )
> Translation added for plugin based strings ( Need to update listingpro-plugin )
> Google map api key option added .
> TimeKit Email option Added 
> TimeKit Title option Added 
> Custom Css and Custom JS option added to theme option 
> Campaigns issues Fixed 
> Checkout issues Fixed ( Need to update listingpro-plugin )
> Responsive issues fixed

23 April 2017

> Undefined index errors removed,
> Plugin listingpro-plugin updated,
> On submit page fields enable/disable option updated ( need to update listingpro-plugin)
> Timing option 24 hours ( need to update listingpro-plugin)

22 April 2017

> Email Management system updated. HTML email templates added
> Map view for homepage updated
> Multiple search options updated for map view 
> New element for homepage Listing by category/location/recent 
> Responsive.css 
> Main.css 
> TImeKit Booking system updated
> Resurva Booking system updated
> Booking and food/services menu On/Off options added in theme options
> Touchable Dropdowns added
> Submit/Edit listing options On/off switch added