All FREE demo plugins (ex. DrivePro, CBDPro, WeddingPro, etc) require an active ListingPro WordPress Theme support license.
Support is one of the things that you regret not having when you really need it. We always try our best to give highest level of customer support to all our customers. Even if your support is expired you can reach out to us if there is a bug or issue in our product and we will never ask you to renew your support.
The regular price to renew support after it expires is $49 but for when you purchase the license you can upgrade the license for additional 6 months support for only $21.
Below is a quick snapshot of how much YOU CAN SAVE!

Let us give you a brief idea on how much you pay for 6-12months when you normally purchase ListingPro. Also be advised that this price is set by Envato Market and we have no control over this.
Price difference
Regular License Price
Price After On Sale Price

On all new ListingPro license purchases you get a free 6 months support included.

Upgrading to o additional 6 months support when purchasing the license you only pay $21.38 extra instead of $49.88 so that’s 37.5% of the item
When you are going to just extend or renew license you will still save.
ListingPro plugin is installed and activated. I am not able to import demo content of Yellowpage. There is an error message stating that “Looks like your license is not activated”. Where do i get license key for Yellowpages
I am tried to install Yellowpage them pluging on my listingpro theme(buy from themforest) but they always tell me. My theme not activate!
What is the problem?
Where to get activation key for free addons wedding pro?
Hello, I am trying to add the wedding pro theme and it says it is unable to upload zip file due to missing css sheet. How can I install wedding pro theme?
WeddingPro is a plugin not a theme.
Hello, I am contacting you because I tried to install black pro, but it does not work because it does not load the styles.
Where to get activation key for free addons black pro?
how do install add ons, not showing good results any one can help me/./???
Please open a support ticket https://help.listingprowp.com/
Where to get activation key for free addons wedding pro?
Please download the latest version of demo addons. The older version asks for activation. we have removed it now.
I got the Blackpro add-on and I’m unable to add it on. The zip file isn’t working. I’ve downloaded it three times and none of the files are able to be opened in wp.
The same thing as I download the Blackpro plugin unfortunately it doesn’t work.
Please open a support ticket https://help.listingprowp.com/
I use listingpro theme on my site wordpress update post on the main page listing post started to give error just added and the end of the day does not appear normal ads